Tanzeem Ittehad Iman Song

Pakistan’s new PM announced Pakistan’s willingness to improve ties with India and declared that if India takes one step towards Pakistan, the latter would take two. It appeared to be an excellent note from the new Pak PM. Every reasonable person would want peace. One could have welcomed such a statement but for what he added in his twitter. He mentioned, “Right now it is one-sided where India is constantly blaming us.” He also said that the Kashmir is the core issue. These reveal his real thinking on the subject. Was he not speaking the language of the Pak Army?

  1. Tanzeem Ittehad Iman Song Lyrics
  2. Tanzeum Ittehad Iman Songs

The moot question is whether Imran Khan can really change the policy even if he is sincere. It is well known that the Pak Army determines the India and Afghanistan policy. Moreover, Imran’s influence in Pakistan is very limited. It is also well known that whenever any PM tried to move away from the policy of the Pak Army, he or she was removed from the position. For a deeper analysis, a look at the issues influencing Pak approach towards India is needed.

Pakistan since Independence has used Islam and the Islamic identity as its core narrative and has justified the use of Jihadi elements and militant outfits against India. Most contemporary writings on Pakistan acknowledge the presence of Jihadi and conservative ideology within Pakistan and significant influence on the Pak Army. They also point out the fact that the Pak establishment is dominated by the Pak Army, which is not willing to change its anti –India policy. Perhaps it would not be wrong to say that it cannot afford to change its policy towards India. Stephen Cohen, an American scholar who is considered an authority on Pakistan, in his book entitled “The Idea of Pakistan” has attributed Pakistan’s fixation with Kashmir as the driving force that sets the agenda of an unfinished dream of Jinnah- a perception that has been sold to Pakistanis since 1947 and that stimulates passion and religious frenzy amongst majority of Pakistani citizens. This has enabled the Pakistan Army to dictate the national security narrative and the formation of Bangladesh is portrayed as a testimony of India’s alleged hegemonistic designs.

Tanzeum ittehad iman songs

Successive military dictators as also PMs have used glorification of the idea of Pakistan and India as an enemy state to remain in power. Another writer, Christophe Jaffrelot in his book entitled “The Pakistan Paradox” has pointed out that the use of Islamic symbolism helped the Muslim leaders to garner popular support that helped in grooming the newly acquired ‘Land of Pure’. In the process, Islamism gained predominance in Pak polity. Today, the Pak Army projects itself as the defender of not only Pak physical boundary but also the Pak ideology. It perceives India as a ‘Hindu nation” opposed to the Pak ideology. Hence, the Pak Army considers it important to resist India’s rise and primary tool for this is ‘Jihad’ under the expanding nuclear umbrella. Even Pak authors point this out. Jalal Ayesha in her book, “The Struggle for Pakistan” has explained that most political parties and Pak Army used the religious card to cover their failures to meet the aspirations of the Pakistanis and banked upon the Islamic ideology as the binding force. This was considered necessary as observed by another Pak author Hussain Haqqani in his book, “Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military”. He has highlighted the absence of the notion of nationhood amongst Pakistanis on account of diversity in ethno-linguistic, religious, cultural and traditional arenas.

Iman, Ittehad, Tanzeem - Find latest Urdu articles & Columns at Hamariweb.com. Read Iman, Ittehad, Tanzeem and other miscellaneous Articles and Columns in Urdu & English. You can search this page as Iman, Ittehad, Tanzeem. The Dominion o Pakistan (Bengali: পাকিস্তান অধিরাজ্য; Urdu: مملکتِ پاکستان ‬ ‎), usually cried Pakistan; wis an independent federal Dominion in Sooth Asie that wis established in 1947 on the Partition o Indie intae twa sovereign kintras (the ether bein the Dominion o Indie).The Dominion, which includit modren-day Pakistan an Bangladesh, wis. Upon the independence of Pakistan, it was introduced and adopted as the national motto by the country's founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah. It is inscribed in Urdu at the base of the state emblem.The emblem itself is an adaptation of four components: wreath, crescent, star and scroll, with all components in the shield bounded by the wreath of the Jasmine flower, and the crescent and star crest. State emblem of Pakistan, with Iman, Ittihad, Nazm inscribed on the scroll. Faith, Unity, Discipline ( Urdu: ایمان، اتحاد، نظم ‎) is the national motto of Pakistan. It is regarded as the guiding principle of Pakistan's nationhood.

In Pakistan Army’s perception, ‘Jihad’ is a means to achieve its strategic objectives. Hence it is not possible to do away with the various militant groups which are considered important assets. The tolerant Sufi/Barelvi society has been marginalised and the hard-line right-wing version of Deobandi and Ahle Hadith ideology has become the dominant force.

In the history of Pakistan’s Islamization, General Zia occupies an important position. He had embarked on a Sunnization programme to keep himself in power. Zia carried out a systematic and well-planned review of the judicial system and ensured the appointment of judges who were pro-Army and pro-Zia. Those who could create problems were sent as Governors. He introduced Sharia benches in the High Courts and seats of these benches were reserved for trained ulema lawyers. He also created Federal Sharia court as a special branch of Pakistan’s Supreme Court called the Appellate Bench. The prosecution of the non-Muslims and minorities was carried out. He introduced the draconian Blasphemy laws. He made efforts to convert the Pak Army into an Islamized force. His change of Pak Army’s motto from ‘Ittehad, Yaqeen aur Tanzeem’ (Unity, Faith and Discipline) to ‘Iman, Taqwa, Jihad-fisibillah’ (Faith, Obedience to God, Struggle in the path of Allah) was aimed in this direction. He also permitted Jamait-e Islami (JI) literature to be distributed amongst the Pak Army officers and enlisted men. Zia also started recruiting Maulvis into the Pak Army and gradually their status was raised. He also created the Directorate of Religious Instructions with the aim of educating the officer cadre of the Pak Army into the virtues of Islam.

Thus a new generation of Pak Army is in position which considers that it is justified to employ Jihadi elements as a part of strategy. It would be difficult to change their approach towards India. The Pak Army has allowed Hafiz Sayeed to float a political party, who is openly sharing platforms with Pak politicians and Ministers. The Pak Army maintains very close links with militant outfits, who spew venom against India. It would not be wrong to say that the militant outfits are the unofficial army of Pakistan.

Imran Khan is in no position to take decisions on this issue. He could only read the script prepared by the Pak Army. Beyond this, it would be unrealistic to expect from the Pak PM who has come to power not on his own but on the crutches of the Pak Army. The Pak Army had supported Imran’s street protests and manipulated removal of Nawaz through the judiciary. The Pak Army had carefully divided conservative votes by engineering participation of extremist groups. Imran has not obtained majority and therefore would be more willing than his predecessors to placate the Pak Army.

Imran in the past, had made unpalatable statements against the Indian PM Modi. In view of the foregoing, India should remain prepared for continued support to terrorists from across the border. It has been our experience that whenever we make a move to improve relations, it is followed by bold terrorist attacks. We should not ignore our past experience. Any hope of improving relations, without the change in the Pak Army’s approach towards India, would be wishful thinking.

Top Comment
Tanzeem ittehad iman song lyrics

Fact of the matter is ,Pak is ruled by Army. Army supports Terror Groups

Tanzeem Ittehad Iman Song Lyrics


Views expressed above are the author's own.

A controversy erupted on the floor of the Bihar Assembly on Monday when a legislator from AIMIM insisted that the draft for the oath in Urdu should have
'Bharat', as it is in the Constitution, instead of the seemingly eclectic 'Hindustan'.
The demand was made by Akhtarul Iman, state president of Asaduddin Owaisis AIMIM no sooner than he rose to take oath in Urdu.
It left the pro-tem Speaker Jitan Ram Manjhi visibly bewildered who pointed out that as per convention those who take oath in Urdu said 'Hindustan'.
The chair, however, permitted him to use the word Bharat.
Iman whose party champions the cause of minorities while wearing its patriotism on the sleeves, was stormed by journalists who wanted to know why he had an objection to 'Hindustan' which is used by people of the country in common parlance.
The MLA replied 'I had raised no objections. I had simply made a point that whenever we read the Preamble of the Constitution, in whichever language, it mentions the word Bharat. In the light of this fact I felt that since we are taking oath in the name of the Constitution, it would bem proper if use the same term for the name of our country'.
He asserted that he had 'no problems with the word Hindustan', having grown up reciting Iqbals famous poem 'Saare jahaan se achcha, Hindustan hamaara' and appreciated 'personal choice' exercised by leaders like Congress MLA Shakil Ahmed Khan who prefered to take oath in Sanskrit.
He also dismissed suggestions that his stand would 'hurt Urdu-speaking population' who have been opposed to Sanskritisation holding it to be an assertion of Hindum majoritarianism.
However, the ruling NDA reacted with predictable distastem to the development, which helped All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen (AIMIM) hog some more limelight after havingm caused a splash in the assembly elections in which it won five seats and is said to have affected the outcome in a number of
'Hindustan is a commonly used word but some people create unnecessary controversy in a bid to look different', said former minister and JD(U) MLA Madan Sahni.
BJP MLA Neeraj Singh Bablu appeared nonplussed and remarked 'those who have a problem with uttering Hindustan, should go to Pakistan'.

Tanzeum Ittehad Iman Songs

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