Teraterm Log

LogMeTT is a launcher application for TeraTerm -terminal emulator- macro. A user can automate login procedure to the remote host as well as running any process on the server. Though `TeraTerm Menu' is already available as auto-login application, LogMeTT has more feature than TeraTerm Menu. Tera Term (alternatively TeraTerm) is an open-source, free, software implemented, terminal emulator (communications) program. It emulates different types of computer terminals, from DEC VT100 to DEC VT382. It supports telnet, SSH 1 & 2 and serial port connections. It also has a built-in macro scripting language (supporting Oniguruma regular expressions) and a few other useful plugins. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

I’m using Tera Term for login and work on a server. And, I feel it is annoying to login manually.

Tera Term has the macro functionality. So, it can login to server by only Double Click by some settings.

In this article, I introduce how to auto login by Tera Term macro.

【Step1】Associate with macro file(.ttl file)

The macro file extension is “.ttl”. So, to set file association to execute Tera Term macro(ttpmacro.exe) by double click .ttl file.

The following the article is useful, please see.

【Step2】Create macro file(.ttl file)

This is a sample .ttl file.

Change the following setting depending on your environment.

  • username:User name to login
  • password:User password
  • hostname:Server host name or IP address
  • logfilename:Log file name (entered command and output is written)
  • /auth:How to authenticate
  • logdir:Output folder of log fil

Create .ttl file, then double click to check login to server!!

…((((*ФωФ)ノ Go Go ♪

Teraterm Jp

1. What is LogMeTT?

LogMeTT is a launcher application for TeraTerm -terminal emulator- macro. A user can automate login procedure to the remote host as well as running any process on the server. Though `TeraTerm Menu' is already available as auto-login application, LogMeTT has more feature than TeraTerm Menu. These features include SSH2 connection, scheduling, auto logging, color setup per the remote host and so on. In addition, LogMeTT supports the tree repository per a macro file. LogMeTT author is Boris living in USA. LogMeTT has been included in TeraTerm package.

2. What can LogMeTT do?

A user can manage an automated connection to remote hosts by using LogMeTT. Also a user can effectively administrate these configuration files because these host information can be registered as a tree repository. However, LogMeTT lacks the feature such as quick launching by keyboard shortcut which is supported by TeraTerm Menu.

3. How to launch

LogMeTT can be launched from File menu of TeraTerm. When it is activated, LogMeTT icon will appear in the notification area, far right of a taskbar.

4. Configuration

We will explain LogMeTT configurations in this chapter. A user will realize an easy-to-use automated procedure using TeraTerm.

1. Right-click LogMeTT icon in the notification area (see upper 3. figure), and then select 'Configure...'.

2. Configuration dialog will appear. Click the 'Settings' tab, and then select the 'Run at log on to Windows' check box on the 'Settings' tab. LogMeTT will be automatically launched immediately after logon to Windows.

3. When 'Start logging' is checked on New Connections tab under Settings tab, auto logging will start by launching LogMeTT from TeraTerm macro (The log file is located in `TeraTerm installation directoryLogsLogMeTTmenu name_timestamp.log').

4. When a user selects 'Add Child' under 'Connection' menubar, an entry will be added. A user can also select 'Add Child' by right-click 'This computer' on screen left.

5. Next, 'Unnamed connection #1' icon will be added under 'This computer'. Then select the icon and rename by pressing F2 key.

6. Select 'Macro' tab, and then enter a description of macro script to login to the remote host. If you want User Name to be fixed and Password to be entered via dialog box, refer to the following macro script. Alternatively, you can directly write the user's password in the macro file although it is not recommended.
*NOTICE* Refer to 5. section about the security conscious macro.

Teraterm Log

7. Press F9 key for your macro script to be verified. If it is confirmed, save the macro script to the file by pressing Apply button at upper right direction.

8. A user can select the user's registered remote host configuration in the notification area.

9. If a user specifies some messages on 'Popup' tab in the following window:

Then below popup message will be shown.

Popup dialog can be used to confirm a notice when a user connects to an important host or a user switches the privilege level to the super user level. When a user presses OK button on the popup message, then the macro script will be run. Otherwise when a user presses Cancel button, then the macro script will be cancelled.

10. On 'Colors' tab, a user can modify TeraTerm coloration for each connection. Like as Popup dialog, this tab can be used to change coloration. It prevents a user miss operation.

11. On 'Schedule' tab, a user can automatically run the macro script. By using this feature, a user can do as follows.

  • Power cycle
  • Send e-mail or call upon failure by combination 'Settings' tab and 'User Data' tab.
  • Periodically backup or status check

Teraterm Recvln

NOTICE: If a user puts a child tree in schedule, all parent tree will be run. If a user want to run it as an independent task, a child tree should be moved under 'This computer' top tree. Also, please be careful of the difference of timestamp between remote host and local host.

RECOMMENDATION: If a user utilizes scheduling feature, turn on auto-logging mode.

5. Security-conscious macro script

This section is to discuss the topic about TeraTerm macro.

Although the user name is directly described in the macro script in an example of Section 4, this is not appropriate for security policy. Therefore, a new procedure for encrypting the user name and the password is described below.

1. sample macro for auto-login with encrypting the user's password.

The user name is scott, the host name is remote.host, and the destination of the password file is located in C:mydatafilename.dat.

getpassword 'filepathfilename' 'IDENTIFICATION' $stored variable

A user can save the encrypted password with multiple identifications in a sample file.

This macro script confirms the user password for the first time. After this, the encrypted password in 'C:mydatafilename.dat' is used for auto-login.

Teraterm Manual

2. Sample macro script of auto-login saving the encrypted user name and the password file are located in C:mydatafilename.dat.

The host name is remote.host, and the destination of the user name and the password file are specified on C:mydatafilename.dat.

getpassword 'filepathfilename' 'IDENTIFICATION' $stored variable

The user names are also stored as 'usrid' identification in this macro script. A user must input both the user name and password for the first time, however a user no longer needs to input these information for the second time or later. A user can encrypt the host name in a same manner, however a user must be careful of adding the host name to TeraTerm history buffer for security policy.

Teraterm Log


3. Using telnet protocol

Be advised that the macro script by using telnet -port23- protocol is different from the above. The reason is that telnet protocol authenticates the user after connection established.

[*] A user may change these prompt strings for the corresponding remote host.

Caution of the file saving encryption data

A user can maintain the password file stored in secure location and it is available for root user to be prompted for this password. For instance, an administrator configures a long password string for the first time, then he/she can delete the file after save in the password file.

As above stated, when the password is saved in the local file, it is a good idea to add a batch which deletes the password file on LogMeTT startup so that a user only needs to be authenticated for the first time.

Teraterm Save Configuration

There is no complete security solution in the world, may these topics help you to tighten the security.

6. Latest download

Basically, we will include LogMeTT latest version at the time of TeraTerm release. However, it is not necessarily the case that TeraTerm installation package includes LogMeTT latest version because LogMeTT project is different from TeraTerm project. Sure, the latest version is here.

Also, the user can get LogMeTT latest version by selecting 'Check for updates' on 'Help' menu.

Teraterm Log Timestamp

7. Contact address

e-mail: boris at logmett.com