Excel Camera Tool

One of the foundational features of Excel is to allow one cell to be equal to another cell. For instance, you could use the most simple of formulas in a cell:


With Excel's Insert Data from Picture tool, you can snap a photo of data in rows and columns on a piece of paper, and the iOS and Android Excel app will automatically convert the image into. Premier workspaces locations.

This copies the contents from cell C7 to the current cell, and updates whenever the contents of cell C7 change. What if you are not just interested in copying cell values, but also want to copy formatting from one cell to another?

  • Add Camera tool in Excel. Please do as following steps to add the Camera tool into Excel’s Quick Access Toolbar. Click on the arrow of Customize Quick Access Toolbar in the Excel Toolbar, then select More Commands from the drop down list.
  • You can insert a live screenshot of an area in a workbook using Excel’s hidden Camera. The tool is a bit difficult to find and you’ll need to add the Camera to the Quick Access Toolbar (or the Ribbon) to use it.

Unfortunately, there is no intrinsic way to do this in Excel. There are two workarounds you can try, however. First, you can create a macro that will find out whenever cell C7 changes, and if it does, the macro copies the contents of the cell (including formatting) to the target cell. For instance, the following macro will run every time there are changes in the worksheet. When the change is in cell C7, then the contents of C7 are copied to cell E3 on Sheet1.

There are some downsides to this approach. First, it can be slow, particularly if you have quite a few cells that you want to copy in this manner. In addition, the macro only runs if the contents of cell C7 are actually changed, not if the formatting alone of C7 is changed. (There is no way to trigger an automatic event whenever formatting is changed.)

An alternative to the macro approach is to use the Camera tool in Excel. This has been covered in other issues of ExcelTips, but essentially the camera is a way to copy a dynamic image of a range of cells from one place to another. It is the image of the source cells that is shown, and it is shown as a graphic, not as the contents of any target cells. Since the graphic is dynamic, whenever the source cells are changed (including formatting), the image is also updated to reflect the change.

Excel Camera Tool Excel 2016

To use the Camera tool, you must customize your toolbar so that the tool is available; it is not available by default. When you are doing your customizing, the Camera tool is available on the Commands tab in the Tools section. It is near the bottom of the list of commands and looks—oddly enough—like a small camera.

With the Camera tool in place, follow these steps to use it:

Excel Camera Tool Issues

  1. Select the cells or range of which you want a picture taken.
  2. Click on the Camera tool. The mouse pointer changes to a large plus sign.
  3. Change to a different worksheet.
  4. Click where you want the top left-hand corner of the picture to appear. The picture is inserted as a graphic on the worksheet.

Now, Microsoft 365 subscribers on Office Mobile for Windows 10 and Office for Android with camera-enabled devices can easily take photos and insert them directly into their files.

Excel Camera Tool

Insert a picture from the camera

  1. On the ribbon, select Insert > Pictures >Camera.

  2. Your device's camera will open.

    Depending on what device you're using, you may be able to make some simple edits before you insert your photo. Once you're done, your photo will be inserted directly into the file you're working on.

Insert a picture of a whiteboard (Android-only)

Camera View In Excel

Jesus song mp3 download. If you'd like to insert a photo of a whiteboard into your document or presentation, Office for Android can leverage the power of Office Lens to help you do that. Simply follow the procedure above to take a picture of the whiteboard with your device's camera, and when you tap OK to indicate you're satisfied with the picture you'll get the opportunity to indicate that this is a picture of a whiteboard.

Excel Camera Feature

Microsoft excel camera tool

Excel Camera Tool Mac

Tap the whiteboard icon at the top right corner and Office Lens will clean up the picture. Once it's finished tap the checkmark at the bottom to insert the image into your document.